Orivet Loyalty Program

Orivet’s Exclusive Breeder Loyalty Program: Earn Rewards on Every Purchase!

Join Orivet’s unique Breeder Loyalty Program and start earning rewards with every purchase. Our program is designed to provide continuous value to breeders, veterinarians, and pet enthusiasts alike. Here's how you can accumulate loyalty points:

  • Every Genetic Test Purchased: Each DNA test you buy adds to your points, aiding in your breeding decisions and enhancing animal welfare with genetic insights.
  • All Additional Purchases: From health screens to breed identification, every product counts towards your rewards.
  • Exclusive Offers: Stay tuned for special promotions and exclusive program offers that boost your points even faster!

Note: GenoPet Kits are not included in the Loyalty Program.

Why Choose Orivet? Only Orivet offers a comprehensive Loyalty Points Program that rewards you more. Whether you’re a professional breeder or a dedicated pet owner, our program is tailored to recognize and reward your commitment to animal health and genetics.

These Orivet Loyalty Points are available at any time towards, your next purchase.

Every 2,000 Loyalty Points = $1!

Start collecting Loyalty Points today